Monday, August 16, 2004

Independence day mixed with sadness.

Aug 15th is always a day of activities in XLRI campus. The day began with a flag hoisting in front of the new academic block. This year the address was delivered by Dr. Deepak Kapur. He told " The Political Independence that India attained in 1947 ensured that no longer did such things as ‘a Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi being thrown out of the First Class bogie of a Train’ or ‘a Jamshedji Tata being denied access to a Five Star Hotel’- happen to Indians. "

As you can see we had quite a turn out, seen here listening to Chandrakanth (student's Gen Sec). After the programme was over, true to tradition, EVERYONE was invited to tea and snacks at the enright hall.

The evening was a splash of colour when the cultural events kicked off.

(ABOVE) Jitesh, Prof. ISF Raj's son had a "run away success" dancing to the song "run away".

(ABOVE) A bright rising star that shone that evening, was Mansi, Prof. Madhukar Shukla's daughter who performed several of her own compositions that evening... I do wish I could have uploaded the audio files... I guess you will just have to invite her for a gig to hear her.

While independence day had many traditional patriotic events, the children performed John Lennon "Imagine". Challenging us to imagine a world without boundaries and without "religion or country to die for"!

(ABOVE) There was even an impromptu song by some of the staff, faculty and wives. Prof. A.K. Pani stands behind Prof. Sanjay Patro on the left of the pic. Next is George Francis and in front of him the guy with the beard is perhaps the best known face of XLRI on the internet... Prof. Madhukar Shukla. The man standing behind Prof. Srinivas's wife, Jaya (in purple saree) is NOT Prof. Srinivas, but Prof. ISF Raj! Next to Jaya is Jayashree (in yellow saree), Prof. H.K. Pradhan's wife, behind her you can see Navita trying to hide. Navita, who has been featured on this blog before, is Dr. Sanjay Kumar's Wife. Next to her is Prof. ISF Raj's wife, Uma, keeping a safe distance from him. The lady in the blue saree at the right end (back row) is Prof. Patro's wife, you can see they like to keep everyone else between them! At the right extreme, in front of Prof. Patro's wife is Prof. Padhi's wife, Preeti.

The Dinner was a nice homely affair with great food. The man behind the spread was a person whose fame goes far beyond XLRI. Affectionately known as "Rama Sir" by everyone in Loyola School, he is the better half (to use a politically correct, updated phrase) of Janaki Ramachandran who is perhaps the next most popular name in XLRI, having first handled MDP responsibilities and now handles the dean's office. Don't forget to check out Janaki's jewellery!
Speaking of jewellery, the evening had plenty of glitter and stardust.. check out this pendant worn by Uma.

Sadness It is always a sad thing to see friends move away. I guess its selfishness. I am sure Dr. P.K.De will do well wherever he goes. As he moves to Mumbai to be closer to his son, sadness seems rather out of place. Yet Dr. De has shaped XLRI over the years that he has worked here both as my colleague and faculty member and as my boss, as the Dean. The campus club said the official farewells well in advance of his leaving so that we could hide our sadness, to not let him know that even though its a happy moment for him, it is a sad one for us.

Nanda too, will forever be a part of the campus she has given so much to.

All's well that ends well.. well almost..if you do not the cribs from my wife Jessy who is angry because I dont have any pictures of her to put up!! least I mentioned her!


Saturday, August 14, 2004

A Visual Tour

Instructions: You can see a bigger picture by clicking on any of the pictures in this post. When you have finished viewing them, click on the return (back) arrow of your browser to continue reading.


Jamshedpur has several markets, Bistupur is an "upmarket" market, while Sakchi is not so upmarket. On Tuesdays both markets are officially closed and the sakchi market is converted into a flea market! The health department wont allow us to actually sell fleas there, but you can get some nice clothes for under half a US Dollar!

Bistupur, on the other hand is a little more orderly! Shown below is the main street, the one you would pass if you came from the railway station.

Kamani Centre at Bistupur is a popular shopping centre, especially if you need computer spares, or eye-glasses!

The meatshop given below is at Dadhkidi. An area with a distinct muslim flavour, it has a wonderful mosque and is the closest shopping area to XLRI.
This image could be offensive to some people, and so it is not directly loaded here. If you want to see it, click here.

Marine Drive

Not very far from XLRI is Jamshedpur's own Sangam, a.k.a "River's Meet". The river Karkai and the river Subarnarekha (The Ggolden Line)meet and then karkai loses its identity. Interestingly there have been reports of families that still make a living panning gold from Subarnarekha!!

Dimna Lake: No tour of Jamshedpur is complete without a visit to the source of our drinking water. Located about 15 km away from the town, the lake supplies the township with water round the year. Here Dimna is seen in its monsoon beauty.

SMAXI : The Other Side of XL

What are enterprising, budding managers-to-be doing at XL when they are not busy with their assignments, reports, quizzes and innumerable other activities? Firing salvo on weird status messages on Yahoo messenger coupled with wit and satire. SMAXI (Status Message Association of XLRI) - that’s what the founding members christened it when this informal XLRI committee stuck roots on Monday, Nov 17, 2003.

SMAXI hopes to recognize the “lame” status messages put on yahoo messenger by some individuals. "To help them gain recognition in XLRI is our guiding principle as Mr. Sudhir Singhal, the Self-appointed General Secretary of this committee puts it. The person with the most number of SMAXI “Lame” Awards in any given month gets the most-coveted SMAXI- Award. All prize-winning entries become property of the city of Jamshedpur and will be displayed in high visibility areas like teashops, paan shops, dhobhi ghat etc.

The Members to this association are encouraged to bring to the notice of the office bearers any status messages that they encounter and consider worth targeting. The person doing this also gets the ‘Good Samaritan Award’ for “extraordinary” service to Life@XL.

Since the launch of SMAXI, it has seen status messages ranging from the sublime to the ridiculous to the plainly desperate. SMAXI had to be on constant vigil to thwart any attempt at generating a deliberately lame status message. It reacted by opening up an espionage wing. Says a member of this wing on conditions of anonymity, “we are here to ascertain the authenticity of the ‘lameness’ before giving away any awards, lest a ‘deserving candidate’ go unrewarded”.

SMAXI subsequently introduced the concept of theme-based status messages wherein a theme would be announced a day earlier and the entries had to have something to do with the theme. “SMAXI is a revolutionary concept, one that we believe will be tremendously successful in eradicating lame messages on Yahoo Messenger” pips in Mr. Praveen Prakash, “Creative Head”, SMAXI. SMAXI’s punch line “You mind your status message. We'll mind yours” sums it all.

Meanwhile, the campus was abuzz with SMAXI related news and snippets. Suddenly students were getting more SMAXI-conscious. Corridor whispers, closed rooms, logged out Yahoo Messengers became the norm of the day. SMAXI was here to stay!

For the bold and the adventurous only:

A sample some nominations to SMAXI and the committee’s comments (to be taken with a pinch of salt):
“CD is on share, access when lift is out of order”

SMAXI: How does this guy do it? More importantly WHY DOES HE DO IT? He will probably enter the SMAXI Hall of Shame if he keeps going on at this rate.

Sunday, August 01, 2004

Some Images of Campus


Here are some pictures I took of the campus a while ago. Check them out! Prof. Madhukar Shukla also has some pics, maybe we should make an online album?. If we do set up something, I will post them on this site. Apart from the pic of the sign at our gate above, I am providing links to the rest, rather than directly show them here. This should avoid clutter. If you have images that you would like me to upload, you can send them to me - now that I have found a place to uplaod them. Alternatively, you could upload them to an online photo site and send me the links.

URGENT NOTE: Students and residents of the campus are invited... no invited is not the right word...are strongly urged to submit articles for the blog. They will appear under the author's name, unless for whatever reasons, anyone wants to post anonymously. Under such circumstances, the editor (me) takes responsibility for anonymous posts.

Hope you enjoy thise pictures. Once you have seen a picture, click the back in your browser to go to the previous page.

View of Tatasteel from the terrace of our building.

The campus, a treetops view from the terrace.

A path on campus, near the MDP Residence.

A ground-level view of the path - with Prof. Premarajan on it!

Invasion on campus (of geniuses?)

With the rains, soil on campus is wet and the large amount of foliage creates an explosion of Millipedes, the red long variety, with no stripes or any other colours. They are everwhere, especially if you happen live on the ground floor. A careful walk on the campus can often reveal small clutches of fresh hatchlings where there are groups of around 50-100 of them clumped together.

Millipedes belong to the class "Diplopoda", of the arthropod phylum, which represents one of the largest animal classes with about 80,000 species in it! Yet despite this there is not much known about this class and zoologists find that even their knoweldge about his class is limited.

By the way, did you know that milliepeds have sections on their body and each section has two pairs of feet? Someone once told me that people come to be known as geniuses, by the same process that people call millipedes by that name, not because millipedes have a thousand legs, but because most people cant count beyond 50! In fact the record holder, Illacme plenipes has 750 legs!

Here is a fun article on millipedes!

If you are considering keeping millipedes as pets, you should try this link.

Prof. Dr. Kubra Bano, from the Department of Zoology, University of Agricultural Sciences, G.K.V.K., Bangalore-560 065 has written a rather scholarly article on Millipedes (diplopods) and you can read it here.